By Tashveen Kaur, Roll no. :2282

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Is success really winning a competition or being the best amongst all? Actually No. A Big No. Real success is when you are proud of yourself, when you work at your best towards something in order to achieve it.
We generally associate success with our results. But for me success is associated with how much hard-work we put into whatever we do. Success is subjective in nature. For some success is managing time for the various things of the day and for some it could be becoming the best lawyer!
One thing that I have come to realise is that before dreaming about achieving our goals or setting up high goals, we must try to achieve small goals and find success in them. Before thinking about winning a competition, firstly we must participate in the competition and give our best.
If we will focus more on the results, it may lead to stress, dissatisfaction and negative attitude and it may also restrain us from participating in a particular activity due to fear of losing. But if we will focus more on the process, we will not only get the chance to explore new things but it will also boost our confidence.
We will get hundreds of opportunities to showcase our talent in college life. The main thing is to participate in that activity. Winning or losing is secondary and trust me it doesn’t matter at all. After all, life is all about having new experiences and we will definitely learn something from each experience.