By: Jaanvi Sharma, First Year
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I remember people asking me why did I suddenly turn away? Why did I just stop sharing the small little details? Why did I never put my hand out to ask for assistance? Why did I always do it myself? Why did I keep things to myself? Why did I smile when I was defeated and vanquished? And why did I never say a word about what I was truly feeling?
The answer is- some days are just gloomier than the previous ones and they overpower your will to exist-SUFFERING. Every small or big incident that ever happened in your life returns to haunt you in your dreams. It’s human nature to not understand the kind of torment and agony one hasn’t been through and I know, on those days, nobody will understand mine. Therefore, I learnt to grow silent, to lock myself up in a room, cry it out and come out like it never happened. The memories do seem to fade away but the bad ones…On those days, I learnt to stay alive with that void and let the people I care for assume I am happy. Reaching out to people is difficult on some days, especially when you know nothing would change.
I am certain of the fact that every human goes through the above-mentioned phase. I am also a believer in the reality of healing. It is evidently normal to suffer; it is one’s own journey. BUT WILL YOU CONQUER THE SUFFERING OR LET IT CONQUER YOU? I leave it on you to decide.
Just WOW it is Jaanvi. With time, one grows mature and knows about what one should exhibit and what needs to be kept with oneself. 🙇🤝