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By: Harshveer Singh Mahal, Roll No: 2209

Stress affects almost everyone to some degree, and college students are by no means an exception. For a variety of reasons, many college students say they experienced variable degrees of stress during their time in school. People react to stress in an array of ways, and everyone is affected by it differently and for various reasons.

I, for one, have noticed a significant shift in my conduct since starting at my college. After a few days, I stopped interacting with those around, lost interest in the activities I used to prefer, and managed to distance myself from practically everything. I had some restless nights, but I never sought to figure out what was wrong with me, perhaps because I was terrified of discovering something I did not wish to know.

I was aware that I was stressed and worried that it would lead to something more serious. A few causes that I believe contributed to my "stressing out" include not receiving the support I expected from my peers, problems with some individuals I was connected towards, and a few others.

My sole piece of advice to my college peers is to strive to include everyone around you. We must all learn to live with one other, as we're all going to be here for five years, which is a really long period, and we must learn to accept each other as we are.

Please attempt to open up to whomever you feel comfortable with if you are feeling lonely or excluded. Suppressing your emotions will not help you much, but perhaps speaking up would help you lessen your load and earn a friend.

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Sep 11, 2022

Dear Harsh ,

We understand that nowadays many students face lots of stress due to unnecessary competition and expectations.

.Only suggestion is explore your strengths and weaknesses, put conscious efforts to balance your self.

Let’s forget about stress and find solutions to deal with it.

Take guidance from mature people who are always interested in helping out the future of our nation.

Stay happy and healthy.


Sheetal Kapoor
Sheetal Kapoor
Sep 11, 2022

Well said Harsh!... We must Move Ahead Together...and help each other out for our growth and development...Dr Sheetal

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